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My Husband/Unselfish Leaders

I have the best husband in the world.  He knows what is important to me and gives me that time and attention.  He is so busy with work and Church but still finds time for his family, he usually doesn't give much time for himself.  When he got home from work yesterday and was frustrated about some things that had happened he went outside and played kickball with the kids.  I heard him laughing with the children and making them feel loved.  He then came in and helped me clean up dinner, helped put kids to bed, and then listened to my day.  What a great unselfish man.  I am so blessed.

"18 Wherefore, with the help of these, king Benjamin, by laboring with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul, and also the prophets, did once more establish peace in the land."
Riding the land of wickedness was no easy task. I wonder how many late nights they had, how many meetings, how many visits, and they still raised a righteous family. It makes me think of my husband and how he works so hard to provide for our family and then if he doesn't have a meeting he comes home and helps me get the house in order and kids off to bed and then sits at the computer and writes email after email, never thinking of himself only how he can help the Lord, and finally crawls into bed long after I have fallen asleep. I have really been blessed to marry a great man and I am so thankful for him.


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