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$100/Example of Faith

I started a new medication a couple of weeks ago.  Monday afternoon the nausea from the medication really hit me and I was out for the week.  I had read that the nausea can last for 3-8 weeks and I really did not want to be in bed for that long.  Derek gave me a blessing.  He said that I would get better quickly.  Every day got a little better.  Even now the nausea is still there but I can function.  I will take this over what I experienced last week any day.

John Derek wrote this paragraph at school, I thought it was so cute and I really wanted to share it.

"My $100(0)"
"If I had $100 I would spend it on things.  First, I would need to get up very early and go to Utah.  Next, I will go snowboarding when I get there and I will go with my grandpa.  Last, I will go snowmobiling with my Uncle Heber, he goes fast and far.  I Love . . . . . . . . $100."

"16  And it came to pass that they did call on the name of the Lord, in their might, even until they had all fallen to the earth, save it were one of the Lamanitish women, whose name was Abish, she having been converted unto the Lord for many years, on account of a remarkable vision of her father—"
It is so sweet that we see that people can know the gospel even if they don't have a formal church. I think of my neighbor Tracy and her desire and search to know God. How He talked to her and gave her what she needed.

I am just amazed at her faith. She had no upbringing in religion. She did not go to a church. Her husband was not religious. And yet she yearned to know God. She studied His word daily, even without being told to. She prayed, shared experiences, bore her testimony to me over the fence. We discussed my church and others she was looking into. She finally felt that God was directing her toward the Church her husband was "raised in." This has brought her family so much closer together. Her husband has started to go to church and look more to God. She is a great example to me of an Abish.


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