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Girls Weekend/Prayer

 Annelise and I went off for a girls weekend.  Our first stop was Duke Gardens.  We both took pictures and limped around.  I have a broken foot and she has a foot constantly in pain.  It was a slow process and we only walked a little bit but it was fun.

This is the chapter when Christ comes to the Americas.  In our Book of Mormon it is chapter 11 but in this book it is chapter 5.  The chapters may be different but the words are the same.

 We then went to the Duke Library that houses rare books.  We were able to view an original copy of the Book of Mormon.  There were times that I was almost in tears as we looked at this book.  The feelings I had really surprised me.  I felt a great reverence, a closeness to Joseph Smith.  At the beginning of the book he explains why he did not publish the 116 pages.  Annelise said it reads like a story and I can see that when you don't have the verses.  To think that people read this book and came into a tiny church but believed these words so much that they gave up everything to follow, just amazes me.

Working at Prayer

"Before you begin your prayer, take a few moments to think about what you want to say. Consider questions you might have or things that have been bothering you—you can even write them down so you don’t forget. Use this time too to clear your mind from the ruckus of the day so you can focus on the gentle impressions of the Holy Ghost. If your mind tends to wander while you pray, try to visualize Heavenly Father listening. Speak in specifics. Also, leave a few minutes at the end of the prayer to listen to the promptings of the Spirit. You might write down your impressions in your journal.

Remember that prayer has been called “a form of work” ( Bible Dictionary, “Prayer” ), so don’t worry if it takes practice or seems hard! Your effort in praying can help you forge a relationship with God that will bless generations."

Maybe I should try this. I also need to remember that to get to the level of prayer I want to get to it will take work. I can't just keep doing what I am doing if I want to change.


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